Before you start Easy Worship free download, make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements. Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Memory (RAM): 512 MB of RAM required. Easyworship 7.1.5 crack is a presentation designed fully customized the software. Easy Worship crack latest version is a new tool which assembles how to make unique themes, slides for presentations, running spells and fonts.
Pros: It was a wonderful day when the church decided to buy EW instead of just using PowerPoint for visual aids in services. We use EW to display hymns and Bible texts mainly on the projector or TV but it really comes in handy for praise and worship sessions where we can just keep the words coming as the song leaders chain songs together. The built-in Bible versions also mean that the preachers can call any random text during the sermons and we can put it in seconds.
Serial sniper killer. The first thing I like about this software is that it is easy to setup and get it running. The system requirements are pretty basic in terms of software and memory usage but of course you need a device that supports dual video output. I ran our first version of Easy Worship on an old laptop with Windows XP and no more than 512MB RAM. Of course the newer versions require a little more processing power and memory but the early version still works well even on newer operating systems.
Secondly the interface is pretty easy to understand and use. So intuitive that non-techies can master the basic operations in less than 30 minutes. It's a great tool for helping young persons to get involved in the service. As long as they can read and pay attention to the service they can help put the songs and texts up on screen. EW is highly customizable and also easy to back up onto a flash drive. This comes in very handy during computer upgrades. No need to add all the custom songs over again.
Cons: There's not a lot to not like about this software. My biggest issue is that they don't support Mac systems. It's not a deal breaker but it does limit our choices for computer upgrades.
The second issue is the upgrade price. It's really great software and the initial cost is worth the investment but the upgrade price is a little steep. A smaller yearly subscription might be better and more manageable for smaller churches.
My final issue is more technical and it has to do with codecs and using videos as backgrounds in EW. The videos work fine on their own but as soon as you try to use them as a background they stop playing. It seemed to be a Windows 7 issue. Maybe fixed in 8 or 10 but none of the fixes found online worked so far. It's more of an annoyance than a major issue.
by Softouch Development on March 20, 2018
Thanks for your feedback! I wanted to let you know that the MAC version is actually our primary focus currently and I hope you will be able to try it out. We have now added a subscription model that can be done yearly or monthly as well for EasyWorship 7. Could you please contact one of us in support about the video playback issue? I would love to help you out with that. - Fred