Newer versions of Autodesk products are activatedonline automatically. However, stand-alone perpetual licenseproducts (non-subscription) purchased in 2016 or earlier can beactivated manually offline. If you have an education license andmust be offline, you can also use this method to activate.
Typical reasons for manual activation of perpetual licensesoftware include:
Notes About Manual Activation
This manual activation method should not be used bysubscribers: This manual activation workflow shouldonly be used by those witha stand-alone, perpetuallicense or by students or educators with astand-alone education license who do not have anactive internet connection. Do not use this method forsubscription software activation, which requires anactive internet connection. Using manual activation foranything other than stand-alone, perpetual licenses will causeunnecessary problems.
You need a valid serial number: You'll need avalid serial number and matching product key. Before starting, besure to findyour serial number and matching product key.
You need to generate a Request Code to get an ActivationCode: When you enter your serial number during offlineactivation, you receive a Request Code. You must supplyboth the Serial Number and Request Code to get an ActivationCode.
Contact Us for Assistance: If you receive an'Invalid Serial Number' error or encounter other issues withsoftware activation, please contact us for assistance.
Apr 12, 2017 - Entering an incorrect product key will result in activation errors for that. Autodesk 3ds Max Entertainment Creation Suite Standard 2018, 661J1.
Follow these three steps to complete the manual activationprocess:
To generate a request code to activate yoursoftware:
Disable your Internet connection and launch your software tobegin this offline process. The screens below onlyappear if your computer is not connected to the Internet.
Click the Activate button on the FreeTrial screen.
Note: Autodesk software products operate on a FreeTrial license until activated. If you purchased your software anddidn't use it as a Free Trial, you still need to activate yoursoftware from the Free Trial screen.
Enter your Serial Number and Product Key.Click Next.
Select Request an activation code using an offlinemethod. Click Next.
Record the activation information provided.
You'll need your product name, serial number, product key, andrequest code to receivean activation code online or from a customer servicespecialist.
The request code shown is for example only.
To activate your software offline, complete an Activation Coderequest on a computer with Internet access.
To get an Activation Code now online:
Launch the Get Activation Code Popup.
Enter your contact information, serial number, email address ofthe purchaser or software administrator, and the request code yougenerated. All information is required to receive an offlineactivation code.
Copy your activation code and follow the procedure for manual activation.
After you receive your Activation Code, you can finish yoursoftware activation from the Free Trial screens.
To activate your software manually:
Note: You will only see manual activationscreens if you are using a computer that has no active Internetconnection.
Autodesk software products operate on a Free Trial license untilactivated. If you purchased your software and didn't use it as aFree Trial, you still need to activate your software from the FreeTrial screen.
Enter your Serial Number and Product Key.Click Next.
Select I have an activation code fromAutodesk and then enter the activation code inthe spaces provided. Click Next tocomplete manual activation.
Note: If you copy and paste the entireactivation code into the first field, the remaining fields areautomatically filled in. The code may not fill all thefields.